Alain René Coën


Photo de Alain René Coën
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Téléphone : (514) 987-3000 poste 5680
Local : R-2320

Domaines d'expertise


Directions de thèses et mémoires



Articles scientifiques
  • de La Bruslerie, H. et Coën, A. (2021). Consumption-based model and the term structure of subjective time preference rates: Empirical evidence. Revue Finance, revue de l’Association Française de Finance, 42(2), 7–37.
    Notes: (article principal)
  • Coën, A. et Lefebvre, B. (2021). Money supply, exchange rates and office market dynamics: Comparative evidence from the UK and Germany. Journal of Property Investment and Finance.
    Notes: (À paraître)
  • Coën, A. et Desfleurs, A. (2021). The relative performance of green REITs: Evidence from financial analysts’ forecasts and abnormal returns. Finance Research Letters.
  • Coën, A., Simon, A. et Zaiter, S. (2021). Why is there a Home Bias? An Analysis of US REITs Geographic Concentration. Revue Finance, revue de l’Association Française de Finance, 42(1), 111–154.
  • Bouhakkou, L., Coën, A. et Folus, D. (2020). A Portfolio Approach to the Optimal Mix of Funded and Unfunded Pensions. Applied Economics, 52(16), 1733–1744.
  • Coën, A., Languillon, R., Simon, A. et Zaiter, S. (2020). Financialisation and Participation in the Metropolisation Dynamics of European Listed Property Companies. Journal of European Real Estate Research, 13(2), 223–242.
  • Carmichael, B. et Coën, A. (2020). Real Estate as a Common Risk Factor in the Financial Sector: International Evidence. Finance Research Letters, 32, article 101172.
  • Pourcelot, A., Coën, A., Malle, R. et Simon, A. (2020). Rent Dynamics in France between 1970 and 1973. Journal of European Real Estate Research, 13(2), 127–148.
    Notes: (article principal)
  • Dufays, A., Houndetoungan, E.A et Coën, A. (2020). Selective linear segmentation for detecting relevant parameter changes. Journal of Financial Econometrics, article nbaa032.
  • Coën, A. et Lecomte, P. (2019). International Listed Real Estate Returns: Evidence from the Global Financial Crisis. Journal of Property Investment and Finance, 37(1), 72–91.
  • Coën, A., Desfleurs, A. et Lecomte, P. (2019). Risk and Performance of International Real Listed Real Estate Returns. The Journal of Wealth Management, 21(4), 106–121.
  • Carmichael, B. et Coën, A. (2019). Securitized and Direct Real Estate Factors in the Pricing of US Bank Stocks. International Review of Finance, 19(4), 893–907.
  • Coën, A. et de La Bruslerie, H. (2019). The Informational Dimensions of the Amihud (2002) Illiquidity Measure: Evidence from the M&A Market. Finance Research Letters, 29, 23–29.
  • Coën, A., Lefebvre, B. et Simon, A. (2018). International Money Supply and Real Estate Risk Premium: The Case of the London Office Market. Journal of International Money and Finance, 82, 120–140.
  • Carmichael, B. et Coën, A. (2018). Real Estate as a Common Risk Factor in Bank Stock Returns. Journal of Banking and Finance, 94, 118–130.
  • Carmichael, B. et Coën, A. (2018). Real Estate Growth as a Risk Factor. Real Estate Economics, 46(4), 936–970.
  • Coën, A., Lecomte, P. et Abdelmoula, D. (2018). The Financial Performance of Green REITs Revisited. Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management, 24(1), 95–105.
  • Carmichael, B. et Coën, A. (2013). Asset pricing with skewed-normal return. Finance Research Letters, 10(2), 50–57.
  • Racicot, F.-É., Théoret, R. et Coën, A. (2011). A new empirical version of the Fama and French model based on the Hausman specification test: An application to hedge funds. Journal of Derivatives & Hedge Funds, 16(4), 278–302.
  • Coën, A., Racicot, F.-É. et Théoret, R. (2011). Performance des fonds de couverture, moments supérieurs et risque procyclique. Revue des Sciences de Gestion, (249/250), 13–20.
  • Cavenaile, L., Coën, A. et Hübner, G. (2011). The impact of illiquidity and higher moments of hedge fund returns on their risk-adjusted performance and diversification potential. Journal of Alternative Investments, 13(4), 9–29.
  • Bodson, L., Coën, A. et Hübner, G. (2010). Dynamic hedge fund style analysis with errors-in-variables. Journal of Financial Research, 33(3), 201–221.
  • Coën, A., Hübner, G. et Desfleurs, A. (2010). Hedge fund return specification with errors-in-variables. Journal of Derivatives and Hedge Funds, 16(1), 22–52.
  • Coën, A. et Desfleurs, A. (2010). La précision des analystes financiers en Europe : l’effet pays et l’effet secteur revisités. L’Actualité économique, 86(2), 133–162.
  • Racicot, F.E., Coën, A. et Théoret, R. (2009). Higher Moment As Risk Instruments To Discard Errors In Variables: The Case of Fama-French Model. Journal of Global Business and Administration, 1, 2–22.
  • Bodson, L., Coën, A. et Hübner, G. (2009). How stable are the major performance measures? Journal of Performance Measurement, 13(1), 21–30.
  • Coën, A., Desfleurs, A. et L'Her, J.-F. (2009). International evidence on the relative importance of the determinants of earnings forecast accuracy. Journal of Economics and Business, 61(6), 453–471.
  • Coën, A. et Hübner, G. (2009). Risk and performance estimation in hedge funds revisited: Evidence from errors in variables. Journal of Empirical Finance, 16(1), 112–125.
  • Carmichael, B. et Coën, A. (2008). Asset pricing models with errors-in-variables. Journal of Empirical Finance, 15(4), 778–788.
  • Carmichael, B., Coën, A. et L’Her, J.-F. (2008). Erreurs sur les Variables et Modèles d’Évaluation des Actifs Financiers Canadiens. Revue Finance, 29(1), 7–29.
  • Racicot, F.-E., Théoret, R. et Coën, A. (2008). Forecasting irregularly spaced UHF financial data: Realized volatility vs UHF-GARCH models. International Advances in Economic Research, 14(1), 112–124.
  • Coën, A. et Racicot, F.-É. (2007). Capital asset pricing models revisited: Evidence from errors in variables. Economics Letters, 95(3), 443–450.
  • Racicot, F.-É., Théoret, R. et Coën, A. (2007). Forecasting UHF Financial Data: Realized Volatility versus UHF-GARCH: A Note. International Advances in Economic Research, 13(2), 243–244.
  • Coën, A., Desfleurs, A., L'Her, J.-F. et Suret, J.-M. (2005). Another look at factors explaining quality of financial analysts' forecasts: Evidence from the Asian emerging markets. Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 15(4-5), 414–434.
  • Coën, A., Desfleurs, A. et Suret, J.M. (2004). De la crise asiatique et de la performance des analystes financiers sur les marchés émergents d’Asie Pacifique. Banque et Marchés/Bankers, Markets and Investors, 71, 41–61.
  • Coën, A. et Desfleurs, A. (2004). The evolution of financial analysts' forecasts on Asian emerging markets. Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 14(4-5), 335–352.
  • Théoret, R. (2004). Vers une vision probabiliste à la décision d’investissement : une application au secteur bancaire. Banque et Marchés/Bankers, Markets and Investors, 72, 32–43.
  • Carmichael, B. et Coën, A. (2003). International portfolio choice in an overlapping generations model with transaction costs. Economics Letters, 80(2), 269–275.
  • Coën, A. (2001). Home bias and international capital asset pricing model with human capital. Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 11(4-5), 497–513.
Chapitres de livre
  • Boutron, E., Coën, A. et Folus, D. (2020). Fundamentals of Equity Valuation. Dans H.K. Baker, G. Filbeck et H. Kiymaz (dir.). Equity Markets, Valuation, and Analysis (p. 87–117). Wiley.
  • Coën, A. et Desfleurs, A. (2017). Did Security Analysts Overreact during the Global Financial Crisis? Canadian Evidence. Dans F. Economou, K. Gavriilidis, G. Gregoriou et V. Kallinteraki (dir.). Handbook of Investors' Behavior during Financial Crises (p. 169–190). Elsevier, Academic Press.
  • Coën, A. et Desfleurs, A. (2016). Another look at financial analysts’ forecasts accuracy: Recent evidence from Eastern European frontier markets. Dans P. Andrikopoulos, G.N. Gregoriou et V. Kallinterakis (dir.). Handbook of Frontier Markets: The African, European and Asian Evidence (p. 171–190). Elsevier, Academic Press.
  • Coën, A. et Desfleurs, A. (2015). Cost of Capital for Private Equity. Dans H.K. Baker, G. Filbeck et H. Kiymaz (dir.). Private Equity: Opportunities and Risks. Oxford University Press.
  • Coën, A. et Lecomte, P. (2014). Another Look at Asian REITs Performance after the Global Financial Crisis. Dans G.N. Gregoriou et D.K.C. Lee (dir.). Handbook of Asian Finance (p. 69–94). Elsevier, Academic Press.
  • Coën, A. et Desfleurs, A. (2014). The Evolution of Financial Analysts’ Forecasts for Asian REITs and Real Estate Companies. Dans G.N. Gregoriou et D.K.C. Lee (dir.). Handbook of Asian Finance (p. 3–38). Elsevier, Academic Press.
  • Bodson, L., Cavenaile, L. et Coën, A. (2013). Normalized Risk-Adjusted Performance Measures Revisited: The Performance of Funds of Hedge Funds Before and After the Crisis. Dans G.N. Gregoriou (dir.). Reconsidering Funds of Hedge Funds (p. 195–213). Elsevier, Academic Press.
  • Bodson, L., Coën, A. et Hübner, G. (2009). A Comparison Between Optimal Allocations Based on the Modified VaR and on a Utility-Based Risk Measure. Dans G.N. Gregoriou (dir.). VaR Modeling HandBook (p. 55–70). McGraw Hill Editor.
  • Coën, A., Desfleurs, A. et Francoeur, C. (2007). The Impact of Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions on Financial Analysts’ Forecasts: Evidence from the Canadian Stock Market. Dans G.N. Gregoriou et K. Neuhauser (dir.). Mergers and Acquisitions: Current Issues (p. 139–154). Palgrave Mac-Milan.
  • Coën, A., Racicot, F. et Théoret, R. (2006). Hedge funds returns, higher moments and nonlinear risk. Dans G.N. Gregoriou et D.G. Kaiser (dir.). Hedge Funds and Managed Futures: a Handbook for Institutional Investors (p. 145–173). RiskBooks.
  • Coën, A., Desfleurs, A., Hübner, G. et Racicot, F.-É. (2005). A Reappraisal of the Performance of Hedge Funds in the Presence of Errors in Variables. Dans G.N. Gregoriou, G. Hübner, N. Papageorgiou et F.D. Rouah (dir.). Hedge Funds: Insights in Performance Measurement, Risk Analysis, and Portfolio Allocation (p. 381–401). Wiley.
  • Coën, A., Mercier, G. et Théoret, R. (2004). Traité de finance corporative avec applications financières Excel (Visual Basic). Presses de l'Université du Québec.
Autres publications
  • Coën, A. (2008). Fallen angel. Dans G.N. Gregoriou (dir.). Encyclopedia of Alternative Investments (p. 177). Chapman-Hall, Routledge Taylor and Francis.
  • Coën, A. (2008). Gatekeeper. Dans G.N. Gregoriou (dir.). Encyclopedia of Alternative Investments (p. 207). Chapman-Hall, Routledge Taylor and Francis.
  • Coën, A. (2008). Order book. Dans G.N. Gregoriou (dir.). Encyclopedia of Alternative Investments (p. 342). Chapman-Hall, Routledge Taylor and Francis.
  • Coën, A. (2008). Soft dollars. Dans G.N. Gregoriou (dir.). Encyclopedia of Alternative Investments (p. 440). Chapman-Hall, Routledge Taylor and Francis.

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